I'm SAMANTHA/SAM/CARROT. Troll in specs, laugh like the world's ending and sarcasm-ception is my favorite storybook. A fangirl, a writer, a dreamer.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
#justFYI some blog entry are private for some reasons. Though this is a bloody mundane blog and there isn't much to read but if I hadn't told you the password before, it means that you are either not that close to me or i am obviously talking about you. Other than that, hello. And bye.
Feel free to hop off, I don't mind. Remember to come back from tea someday~
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."
"Number two-hundred-and-two."

Samantha's To-Do List after internship(or possibly during internship).
1. Crash-course Korean.
2. Get my DSLR.
3. Get to Korea.
4. Brush up my piano
5. Be able to understand the functionality of a guitar and ukelele.
6. Be able to compose.
7. To 10kg in weight.
8. Learn Japanese/French(pick one).
9. Get my chinese, english, cantonese, hokkien fluent.
10. Relieve my mother in her crazy work load.

Dated: 11th May 2012
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