I'm SAMANTHA/SAM/CARROT. Troll in specs, laugh like the world's ending and sarcasm-ception is my favorite storybook. A fangirl, a writer, a dreamer.
What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
#justFYI some blog entry are private for some reasons. Though this is a bloody mundane blog and there isn't much to read but if I hadn't told you the password before, it means that you are either not that close to me or i am obviously talking about you. Other than that, hello. And bye.
Feel free to hop off, I don't mind. Remember to come back from tea someday~
"The Doctor's darkest hour. He will rise higher than ever before and then fall so much further."
hello,i'm back again.
just wondering, did anyone miss me here instead of tumblr?
but then..who reads my blog. oh well.
i know some are reading my blog for information.
why come and tell me about how i should not keep everything to myself and should like i'm the one bitching about them when they started the whole fisaco? they make me look like the bitch instead.
thats why thats the irony of human. never admit to their own mistakes.
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