fi·as·co [fee-as-koh or, especially for 2, -ah-skoh]
–noun,plural-cos, -coes.
1.a complete and ignominious failure.
I like fiasco.
Its not that I like it because i'm sick in the mind who like all this.
It is because the fun that one can enjoy from it.
It is really really really fun,no joke.
It is the point where you accidentally messed something up. fun.
Why I say so?Because I have Joyce who will scream at me for not being sane.
Because I have Merrilyn who will join in and do the same actions as me and laugh like hyenas.
Because I have Oriana who will stare at us like we are the most idiot dorks ever lived on earth and give us an awkward laugh or cough along the way.
Because I have Pohyock who will try to avoid us like dirt but join in,doubling the folds of the fun.
Because I have the remain others who will make the whole situation even messier and fun.
And I love them all.
"number hundred-and-seventy-nine."
Layout by tentylers. Image from weheartit.